
Marine training and education is a key element of Marine Rescue policy. At the Central Coast Unit, we believe that education is better than legislation, and those with knowledge and experience are better prepared to go to sea and rarely have to be assisted.

Your skills can be enhanced, and the safety of your vessel, crew and passengers improved by active participation and successful completion of appropriate marine education and training courses. Knowledge is power.

Check out the wide range of Courses available in our current Programme. Click HERE

Course reservations can be made online, or for more information call 4325 7929 any day between 0600 and 1800 hours.

All the courses listed on this website are carried out in the air-conditioned training Room at our Point Clare Base, in Goodaywang Reserve at the end of Kurrawa Avenue, Point Clare.

For Marine Rescue courses in other areas of NSW go to the Marine Rescue NSW website